Our Concrete Washout Containers rental service helps contractors save the environment and comply with environmental laws.
Save the environment and comply with the law by properly disposing of concrete washout waste using our concrete washout container rental service. These containers are leak proof and allow concrete trucks to properly dispose of the washout. Utilizing our washout containers, we are able to pump off the liquid and properly dispose of the solid materials remaining.
These unique containers are an Easy-Haul exclusive in our area and offer an affordable and convenient way to comply with environmental regulations. The washout containers are great for large commercial jobs as well as smaller jobs. They can be used; anywhere concrete will be poured and trucks need to washout. Avoid the mess of concrete washout with our containers specifically designed for proper disposal of concrete washout
Pricing is based on the container rental period, job site location and pumping occurrence requirements. Please contact us for a no hidden fees quote for your specific job site requirements.
Suggested Uses:

- Construction Concrete
- Residential Construction
- Commercial Construction
- Slab Pouring
- Landscaping Projects
- Specifically for concrete trucks to washout, saving environment and complying with regulations
Billing accounts can be established upon completion of our short Credit Application.
For more information, see our Frequent Questions page or Contact Us.
More Info: 251-929-2133